
By accessing or using our service, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

  • Nature of Business: Our business provides exclusive offers and discounts to our members through partnerships with companies.
  • Service: Our service is limited to providing our members with access to offers and discounts from our partner companies.
  • Age Restrictions: There are no age restrictions for accessing our service.
  • Data Use and Storage: We collect and store customer data to provide our service. By using our service, you agree to our data use and storage policies.
  • Account Sharing: Customers are not allowed to share their account details or offer codes with others. Any customers found to be sharing their account details or abusing our policy may be suspended from using our service.
  • Issues with Products or Orders: If you use a discount or offer from our service and encounter any issues with the product, order, or the company, you acknowledge that these issues are solely between you and the merchant or company. We are not responsible for resolving these disputes. However if you notify us of any issues, we will seek to take appropriate action for any companies with repeat issues.
  • Affiliate Offers: some of the offers listed on Publicard may result in affiliate commissions being paid to Publicard.
  • Cookies: we may use cookies to track sales made on third party websites. This data is anonymised and does not personally identify you.
  • We reserve the right to modify or terminate our service at any time without prior notice.